Richard Nelson - United for a Stronger Future.

My Priorities

With over 25 years in the NHS, Richard will tackle SNP-induced delays, improving GP wait times and patient care by working alongside our GPs and Primary Health Care Services to ensure a better service.

Guarantee to protect and improve education for our children and young people against SNP's declining standards, ensuring Scottish places are for Scottish students first and foremost.

Address the housing crisis by reducing homelessness and increasing access to affordable and social housing.

Campaign for South Lanarkshire Council to be properly funded and not starved of money as is currently the case. Advocating for increased funding to restore vital local council services, and support community well-being impacted by severe cuts.

Ensure local residents voices are heard, and represent and address what our community needs to give you the community a

Richard is the only candidate who can be trusted to protect the integrity of the United Kingdom and firmly safeguard our borders for community security.